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Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  (Matthew 19:14)


Vision Statement

"All Children who enter our church will feel loved and valued as they come to know Jesus as their personal Savior"








For Children Birth to Kindergarten

We love children, just like Jesus did! And we hope to demonstrate and share the love of Jesus to each child whenever we gather.

On Sunday mornings, infants and toddlers are welcome in a variety of ways:

In Worship

Children of all ages are ALWAYS welcome in the worship service. We supply quiet activity bags and clipboards to help keep busy little hands and minds entertained. When kiddos need to wiggle and move, parents may bring them into the welcome center where parents will still be able to see and hear the worship service.


Infants and toddlers are welcome to spend the worship service in our staffed nursery where they can play and make noise. The nursery is open 30 minutes before and after each worship service. Parent must sign in and sign out their children and provide their phone number for text alerts in case a parent is needed.






For Kids Kindergarten to 5th Grade

On Sunday mornings, elementary aged children may choose to stay in the worship service with parents/caregivers or attend Sunday School.

In Worship

We supply quiet activity clipboards for children to use in the sanctuary during worship. Every week there is a “children’s message” time during worship when children are invited forward to hear a short child-oriented lesson related to the sermon that day. After the children’s message, Sunday School begins.

Faith Formation Time (Sunday School)

Our kids program provides children with an opportunity to learn from the Bible, consider how to grow in faith and follow Jesus in their daily lives. We use a hands-on, active curriculum that encourages kids to move, use their imagination, and build friendships with other students. Parents must provide their phone number for text alerts in case of an emergency, and they must collect their child in person when the worship service is over to ensure that every child is safe.

Bible Day Camp/VBS

Early in the summer, our church hosts a fabulously fun and faith building week of activities for elementary kids. Every morning (9am-noon) kids will have a blast singing, playing games, doing science experiments, learning about kids around the world, engaging with Bible Stories, eating creative snacks and making great friends.


For Parents and Families

Family Ministry Events

During the school year, our family ministry team plans an intergenerational event to encourage and empower families to grow in faith together. These events vary from outings to a local pumpkin patch, to service opportunities, game nights, and spiritual formation experiences. These events usually include a meal and are often the first weekend of the month.

For Youth in Middle- High School

Youth Group

Tweens and Teens are invited to participate in our weekly CPCYouth group. "Middler" Schoolers on Sundays from 11:30-1:00 and High Schoolers at 6:30-8:00pm on Sundays as well. Here, we join together to discuss and wrestle with various topics from a faith perspective. This is a safe space for youth to ask questions, be themselves, and know that they are accepted and loved by Christ and our group.


Monthly Service & Fun

Each month, our youth gather for a time of service and fun, with different activities each month, from walking dogs at the shelter to packaging food for needy kids, going for a hike to playing at the trampoline park. This is a great time to build friendships and invite new friends.

Overnights & Trips

Our youth enjoy travelling together for retreats, lock-ins, and service trips throughout the year. Come away with us to play in the snow, camp out in a beautiful place, or serve people in need!


Got More Questions?

Talk with Pastor Robyn Eddy, Associate Pastor for Children, Youth and Family Ministries


Phone: 435-586-8891

Or use Facebook Messenger to find her!

-Robyn Eddy,
Associate Pastor

To download and print this information as a pamphlet, click here.

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