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P.I.N.C.H!: A New Ministry of Community Presbyterian Church

P.I.N.C.H! (Presbyterians in Neighborhoods Creating Hope!) is a ministry that works to provide EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL NUTRITION to elementary school students who rely on school breakfast and lunch for most of their food needs. 

We provide snacks for children to take home on Fridays after school so they have something to eat on the weekends​. There is no requirements to participate other than attending a school we serve. Any and all children are welcome to take a snack home. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you currently operating?

We are currently serving Escalante Valley Elementary School in Beryl Junction, UT. Escalante Valley is the poorest and smallest elementary school in the county. 

Do you have plans to expand the program to more children/other schools?

Yes, we do anticipate one day being able to reach all the elementary schools in the area. However, we are currently testing the ministry at one school and will only be able to expand provided we have enough support in terms of finances/food items/volunteers.

What kind of food items will be given to children? Will there be a set menu every week?

The food items will vary from week to week, but will contain shelf stable, ready to eat foods that do not require an adult or a kitchen to prepare. The food items a child can expect to find most frequently would be:

  • Granola Bars

  • Fruit and Grain Bars

  • Rice Krispies

  • Apple sauce

  • Fruit Snacks

Again, food items will vary based on what is donated. While it is the hope that we will be able to consistently give the children more nutrient dense and nourishing foods, we also understand that giving hungry children something is better than them having nothing at all. 

How can I help?

Please feel free to donate food items to us at church, or donate money to us using our online giving tool (Just be sure to enter the amount in "General Fund" and then denote that it is to be given to PINCH) 

Questions? Contact Gavin Puckett

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